Men and women across the world are looking for unique engagement rings that reflect their love and personality. This used to be a difficult task, but jewellers like American Swiss and Sterns have taken on the task of creating a range of designs and even offer you the opportunity to submit your ideas and comments. Buyers can work with a range of pre-designed rings and add to them to shape them into the rings of their dreams. If you like gold, platinum or silver, diamonds or precious stones, you can help to craft the ring that will symbolize your love forever.
Every couple’s love is different and every couple deserves unique engagement rings. Most women have an image of the ring that they want in their minds and it has become increasingly common for the men in their life to have a ring to match. Let nobody tell you that size doesn’t count. American Swiss, Sterns and other jewellery companies are able to make rings of a variety of sizes and designs. If you have petite delicate hands, or large strong hands, you want a ring that emphasizes the different qualities of those hands without making them seem huge or tiny.
It’s not only the size of the ring that matters. Diamonds and precious stones come in many shapes and cuts and this can be important to the crafting of your ring. A delicate stone can beautifully accentuate small hands which would be overwhelmed by large diamonds. Certain metals match certain stones and complement each other, allowing you to have a larger stone in a thicker ring. For men in particular, it’s important to consider a range of designs so that you can have the stones that you want without them seeming over the top. Women can use the skills of jewellers at Sterns or American Swiss to help them to make these important decisions for them and the man in their life. Unique engagement rings are all the rage – get yours now!
Have your Engagement Ring Designed for you
Have your engagement ring designed for you and walk away with the perfect ring to suit you. It may seem like this takes away from the spontaneity of getting engaged and finding out if you partner knows you well enough to get you the ring that you have always wanted. However, why put that added pressure on the man when you can let him know that there are places where you can go and get the ring designed specifically for you. This means that there will not be any disappointment on your part and you can take some of the pressure off of him. It really is a win win situation for both parties.
There are a number of places where you can have your engagement ring designed for you however before you visit one of these places you need to have an idea of what you want. For most women this is not a problem as they have been dreaming of their wedding day, wedding dress, and perfect engagement ring since they were little girls. But for those of you who aren’t like that then the best thing that you can do is look for engagement rings in your local jewellers as well as online. What is fantastic about designing your engagement ring is that there is no way that anyone else could have the same ring which makes it even more special.
Jenna Clifford, a well known South African jewellery designer offers this fantastic service to their customers. All you need to do is visit a store, get them to measure your finger so that they know your exact size, and provide them with your preferences and budget. From there, they will provide you with a number of interpretations of your request and you can select your perfect ring to be made specifically for you. So why not take the pressure off of everyone and have your engagement ring designed for you.